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UB up back
U up
UF up foward
BCK back
N neutral position
FWD forward
DB down back
DF down foward

CR crouching 屈み
ST standing 立ち
CL close 近距離
J jumping ジャンプ

QCF quarter circle foward 前方へ1/4回転→236のこと?
QCB quarter circle back 後方へ1/4回転→214のこと?
HCF half circle foward 前方へ半回転→41236のこと?
HCB half circle back 後方へ半回転→63214のこと?
DP dragon punch? 昇龍系=623みたいです
RDP ? 逆昇龍系=421みたいです


通常技 Normal Moves
近距離立ち攻撃 Close Standing A,B,C,D
遠距離立ち攻撃 Far standing A,,B,C,D
屈み攻撃 Crounching A,B,C,D
垂直ジャンプ攻撃 Vertical jump A,B,C,D
前方ジャンプ攻撃 Forward Jump A,B,C,D
後方ジャンプ攻撃 Back Jump A,B,C,D
小ジャンプ攻撃 Small Jump A,B,C,D
JC+D Jump C+D
小JC+D Small Jump C+D
GCC+D Guard Cancel C+D
特殊技? Command Moves
投げ技 Throws
必殺技 Specials
超必殺技/MAX2 DM/SDM

技名 Move Name
ガード段 Guard height(Have to guard High or Low)
ヒット数 # of Hits
補正 ????
ダメージ Normal Damage
カウンターヒット時のダメージ Damage on counter hit
ガードクラッシュ値 guard crush damage
ゲージ増加量 Gauge
キャンセル Cancellable
得点 Points to score


フレーム frame
食らい判定 Hitboxes
暗転 dark change
ガードポイント auto guard
押しっぱなし入力 Hold the key
連打 rapidly
ダイヤグラム tiering
投げキャラ grappler
通常投げ command throws
空中投げ air throws


rough translation from google
(i'll try to make this understandable i just need some time)

Usually skill

It is close A occurrence 5F stiffness 5F
It is close B occurrence 6F stiffness 15F
It is close C occurrence 3F stiffness 19F
It is close D occurrence 10F stiffness 11F

It is distant A occurrence 5F stiffness 7F
It is distant B occurrence 7F stiffness 17F
It is distant C occurrence 9F stiffness 17F
It is distant D occurrence 8F stiffness 16F

Bending/discouraging A occurrence 5F stiffness 5F
Bending/discouraging B occurrence 5F stiffness 5F
Bending/discouraging C occurrence 8F stiffness 13F
Bending/discouraging D occurrence 8F stiffness 20F

CD occurrence 24F stiffness 13F

J attack

Perpendicular A occurrence 7F
Perpendicular B occurrence 4F
Perpendicular C occurrence 14F
Perpendicular D occurrence 8F

Slanted A occurrence 9F
Slanted B occurrence 3F
Slanted C occurrence 13F
Slanted D occurrence 8F

Small A occurrence 10F
Small B occurrence 3F
Small C occurrence 10F
Small D occurrence 7F

JCD occurrence 11F

Uniqueness, necessary shooting

Don't you think? [ri] [chiyagi] occurrence 16F stiffness 16F
Cancellation occurrence 21F stiffness 16F

Weak flight leg occurrence 3F stiffness 13F
∟ additional attack occurrence 7F  

It is strong flight leg occurrence 3F stiffness 15F
∟ additional attack occurrence 7F

Invincible 14F stiffness 20F under weak ambition leg occurrence 10F knee
It is strong invincible 20F stiffness 29F under the ambition leg occurrence 16F knee

Weak half moon 斬 occurrence 17F stiffness 26F
It is strong half moon 斬 occurrence 8F stiffness 29F

Weak flying Tsubame 斬 occurrence 7F systemic invincible 6F stiffness 36F
It is strong flying Tsubame 斬 occurrence 6F systemic invincible 5F upper body invincible 4F stiffness 41F
∟ additional occurrence 14F stiffness 20F

Three connected attacking 1. occurrence 9F 2. occurrence 9F 3. occurrences 19F
∟ three empty attacking 1. occurrence 13F 2. occurrence 11F

Super necessary, MAX and M2

Invincible 13F stiffness 43F under weak Houou leg occurrence 9F systemic invincible 8F leg
It is strong invincible 26F stiffness 47F under the Houou leg occurrence 9F systemic invincible 8F leg

Weak flying heaven leg occurrence 9F systemic invincible 8F stiffness 30F
It is strong flying heaven leg occurrence 6F systemic invincible 5F knee lifter bell crank invincible 3F stiffness 33F

Aerial Houou leg occurrence 6F systemic invincible 5F stiffness 39F

Zero distance Houou leg occurrences 1F 

You could be understood concerning justice, probably will be?

There being stiffness, there is no opening itself, it is, don't you think?
The [ho] it is with the Korean team to favor too much


  • test for throwing message from nl -- sushuwa (2008-06-10 21:36:13)

最終更新:2008年06月10日 21:36